The Half-closed Eyes of the Buddha and the Slowly Sinking Sun summary - PREMSTHA
The Half-closed Eyes of the Buddha and the Slowly Sinking Sun summary
Here is the short summary of The Half-closed Eyes of the Buddha and the Slowly Sinking Sun.
The Half-closed Eyes of the Buddha and the Slowly Sinking Sun summaryIn the last one titled "The Half-Closed Eyes of the Buddha and the Slowly Sinking Sun", the narrator delves into how life is seen by a westerner opposed to how it often ends for many in Nepal. A Western character visits Nepal and describes the beauty, variety, and complexities of its culture alongside some really dustry poverty. In particular, he is moved by the eyes of a child with polio because they reflect another view on life and the world.
What at first seems to be nothing more than a pandering language barrier, the narrator's fascination with the traditions and history of Nepal gives way to a realization that those are only part of what truly makes up the country. He is well aware, however, that some of those military forces are women who may feel cultural differences or perceive Nepalese society as being more "closed-in," but he appreciates the inner strength in that survival capability. To me, that little polio-stricken child channels the stoicism and grace of facing such adversity with such simplicity, such a different perspective.
The journey of discovery by the narrator in this story makes us realize how powerful just plain observation and knowing can be. The Nepal beauty according to him, is not just the stunning landscapes or age-old traditions of his country but the stories and experiences that each person unfolds over here. He understands that of the farmer's family who struggles, and rises with honour in a state of poverty. In the end, everything of the text leads to implying that what they eye see one day in Nepal even though surrounded by difficulties and limitation is a beauty and wisdom.
The comparison of the child's eyes to the setting sun's reflection in the Buddha's eyes underscores the profound connection between life, death, and the spiritual realm in Nepal. The text concludes with a sense of awe and respect for the enduring spirit of the Nepalese people, highlighting the complexities and beauty of a culture that continues to be shaped by its past, present, and future.